Five Empowering Strategies to Overcome Procrastination

Jun 12, 2023 | Mindset

Unleash Your Inner Power: Five Empowering Procrastination Tips

Key Points:

  • Understand that procrastination is an internal process and reclaim control over your actions.
  • Realize that you have the power to overcome procrastination and take charge of your life.
  • Conquer fear by facing what you don’t want to do and break free from its hold.
  • Harness the power of conditioning to retrain your responses and develop consistent habits.
  • Embrace awareness of your procrastination tendencies to guide your actions and take charge of your life.

Are you tired of feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and lacking confidence in your life? Do you find yourself constantly putting off important tasks and goals?

Procrastination can be a silent force that holds you back from reaching your full potential. But fear not, for within you lies the power to break free from its grip.

This article will dive into five non-obvious and empowering tips that will help you overcome procrastination, reclaim control of your life, and unleash your true potential. Get ready to take charge and soar toward a more confident, fulfilling, and successful future.

One of the worst things about putting things off is that it makes you feel out of control. Procrastination is like an “invisible force” that stops you from doing the things you know you need to do.

There seems to be a rise in procrastination as a chronic problem, especially among people who want to succeed the most. Procrastination usually starts when you feel overwhelmed by everything you must do. Instead of making steady progress, you take on too much and never get any of it done.

When you feel like you don’t have any control over your life, you don’t have any power to shape and direct it. There are a lot of things you can’t change, but you always have full control over what really happens to you. What really happens to you is a mental process that isn’t affected by the outside world.

Being empowered means realizing that you already have the power, which gives you the ability to act. Here are five empowering procrastination tips that can help you realize this and give you the power to deal with procrastination and inaction.

It’s All Inside:

Procrastination is an internal process, and even though it might feel like it’s happening to you, you are actually the one who is doing it. This procrastination tip can help you get back in charge almost right away. Procrastination is not caused by something outside of you; it is an internal response and evaluation. The simple fact that “you” are doing it to “you” gives you the power to do something about it.

It’s All You:

When procrastination drags you down, it’s easy to think that “it just is” and that you can’t do anything about it. Even though it feels like you have no control, you actually do. In fact, you feel out of control because you believe you can’t do anything about it.

You need to develop two very important beliefs if you want to stop putting things off. The first is that you CAN get over procrastination, and the second is that YOU can get over procrastination.

No one else can do it for you, and because you made it, only you can get rid of it.

It’s All In Your Head:

Most people stay stuck in patterns of putting things off because they are afraid. At the most basic level, all forms of putting things off come down to fear.

What you don’t face controls you.

To get over fear and the procrastination that comes with it, you need to face and do the things you don’t want to do.

The moment you do, you take charge, and it no longer has any power over you. The funny thing is that fear only exists in your mind – it’s always about something that hasn’t happened yet. Procrastination is not real; it’s just how you think about things in your head.

It’s All about conditioning:

Consistency is key to success in anything. Those who can keep being great are the best at anything.

The way to be consistent is to train yourself to be so. Your nervous system works through conditioning. When you do something over and over again, it becomes “normal,” and when something is normal, you don’t have to think about it – it happens automatically.

The problem is that this principle works both ways.

Your nervous system does not know whether your conditioned responses help you or pull you down.

If putting things off is your “learned” response, you will always feel out of control because that’s what you’ve “learned” to do automatically. You just need to “recondition” yourself to a new response or teach yourself to respond in a different way.

It’s All about awareness:

Procrastination does serve a purpose, and a very important one at that, but only if you know what it is.

We only put off doing things that we want to do. At some level, either directly or indirectly, you think that taking action will help you.

If it didn’t, it wouldn’t bother you, right? Be thankful for putting things off and use it as a guide to “know” what you need to do. Being aware of this fact and becoming more aware of what you do and don’t can help you be in charge of yourself on a much higher level.

When you are empowered, you are in charge, and even if things seem to go wrong on the outside, you know that you have the power to handle it well.

Procrastination makes you feel weak and takes away your ability to act right away and deal with any situation.


Procrastination may seem like an invisible force that keeps you stuck, but it’s time to unveil the truth: you hold the key to breaking free.

By acknowledging that procrastination is an internal process, realizing your ability to overcome it, confronting fear head-on, conditioning yourself for success, and embracing awareness, you can reclaim control and live a more empowered life.

Remember, you are the captain of your ship, and with these empowering tips, you have the tools to navigate any challenge and achieve greatness.

Always remember that you are the one in charge of yourself. Tomorrow will be like today and tomorrow. Don’t delay. Act!

About Me


I’m Bryan Benardino, a transformative coach specializing in empowering high-achieving professionals in midlife transitions and are unsatisfied with their relationships.

I help men break free from emotional barriers, cultivate authentic expression, and create fulfilling relationships.

Together, we’ll unleash your true masculine purpose, power, and passion, guiding you from a state of “Stuck, Struggling Mid-Life Mediocrity” to becoming a “Quietly Confident Embodied Masculine Man.”

Experience a deliberate, authentic, purposeful life filled with peace, freedom, ease, and fulfillment.

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