The Path to Authenticity: Harnessing the Wisdom of Your Higher Self

May 3, 2023 | Mindset

Connecting With Your Higher Self

Key Points:

  • Understanding the ego and higher self stations: Explore the differences between these frequencies and how they shape your thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
  • Tuning your frequency to your higher self-station: Discover practical strategies and mindset shifts to elevate your frequency and connect with your higher self.
  • Embracing the power of your higher self: Learn how accessing the Source of Truth can bring clarity, joy, and transformation to your personal and professional life. Embrace authenticity, emotional intelligence, and meaningful relationships as you navigate the path to self-discovery and personal fulfillment.

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of your higher self and elevate your life to new heights?

Imagine accessing a source of wisdom that goes beyond the limitations of your programmed mind—the ego station. In this article, we’ll delve into the concept of connecting with your higher self and explore its transformative power.

By understanding the frequencies at play and making a conscious choice to tune in to your higher self-station, you can overcome your pain points, fears, and limitations.

Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and authentic living that will leave you feeling empowered and fulfilled.

When you want to listen to a certain radio station, you tune your radio to a certain frequency and tune in to that station. The same is true when you want to watch a certain TV show. What you hear and see depends on the frequency you tune into.

Our brains work similarly, but we can only listen to two stations: the ego station and the higher-self station.

The ego station comes from the programmed mind, which is where all of the limiting beliefs that make us afraid live. The ego station is our hurt self, our false self, the self we learned to be when we were young and needed to figure out how to get love, avoid pain, and feel safe. Our ego-wounded self is like a closed circuit; it runs on old information we learned as children that is no longer true or even relevant. It doesn’t want to learn anything new. It doesn’t let the truth in.

The higher-self station is the place where you can get information from the universe that goes beyond what your mind has been taught. The higher-self station connects to the Source of Truth, which is always there to help us do what is best for us.

How do you tune your frequency to your higher self-station?

We all have a “dial” that either tunes us to the low frequency of our ego station or to the high frequency of our higher self station. This dial is what we want to do.

We can only choose between two goals:

The goal of controlling behavior is to get love and stay away from pain.

With the goal of learning how to love ourselves and others

The desire to be in charge of getting love and staying away from pain brings down our frequency and keeps us stuck in our limited mind, or ego mind. When we choose this intention/frequency, we are stuck thinking the thoughts—the lies—and doing the unloving things that cause fear, anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, stress, anger, jealousy, resentment, and so on. Being a victim is the frequency of the ego. We choose this frequency when we want to be in charge of getting love and staying away from pain.

We can change our minds at any time and decide to learn about what is best for us and the world.

We don’t have to be stuck in our ego mind. Instead, we can choose to learn about it. When we decide to learn about love, our frequency goes up, and we can go to a higher self-station.

This is like going from our personal computer to the Internet, but better. Some of the information on the Internet is true, and some are not, but all of the information we get from the higher-self station is true because it comes from the Source of Truth.

Our need to be in charge is the only thing that keeps us from choosing the higher self-station.

The ego mind wants to be in charge of how we feel, what other people feel and do, and how things turn out. When your need to be in charge is stronger than your need to love yourself and others and your need to live in truth, you will stay stuck in the ego station.

The ego station tells us that we can control things, like other people and outcomes, that we actually can’t. We can have some control over how we feel with different addictions, but this only makes us feel worse.

Our feelings are an inner guidance system that tells us when our thoughts and actions are on the right track or off the right track. Suppressing them with drugs or alcohol only makes the pain worse.

You will find a lot of joy when you set out to learn how to love yourself and others and when you use your higher self-station to get the amazing information that is yours.

As you embark on the journey of connecting with your higher self, remember that you hold the power to transform your life and create a meaningful impact on the world around you.

By choosing love, authenticity, and personal growth over the need for control, you can unlock your true potential and live a life aligned with your values and aspirations.

Embrace the guidance of your higher self-station and tap into the limitless wisdom and joy that await you.

Get ready to elevate your frequency, step into your authenticity, and embark on a path of self-discovery that will empower and inspire you every step of the way.

About Me


I’m Bryan Benardino, a transformative coach specializing in empowering high-achieving professionals in midlife transitions and are unsatisfied with their relationships.

I help men break free from emotional barriers, cultivate authentic expression, and create fulfilling relationships.

Together, we’ll unleash your true masculine purpose, power, and passion, guiding you from a state of “Stuck, Struggling Mid-Life Mediocrity” to becoming a “Quietly Confident Embodied Masculine Man.”

Experience a deliberate, authentic, purposeful life filled with peace, freedom, ease, and fulfillment.

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