Why Men Should Practice Mindfulness (And How It Can Help In All Areas Of Your Life) Part 2

Oct 29, 2021 | Confidence, Essential Article, Mindfulness, Mindset, Relationships

Many of us men are so busy and distracted that we rarely stop to appreciate the simple things in life. In this article, we’ll continue our talk about how being mindful can help you become a better man.

This is Part 2 of a two-part series. Read Part 1 here.

1 | Why Men Should Practice Mindfulness (And How It Can Help In All Areas Of Your Life) Part 2


  • What you should be aware of when practicing mindful living.
  • How mindfulness can help with business and personal success.
  • How to begin practicing mindfulness.

What You Should Be Aware Of When Practicing Mindful Living

So what does this all mean? You should be aware that you will be a better man if you practice mindful living. Not only will you have more success with your relationships and sex life. But you’ll also be more successful at managing stress, staying focused, being more productive, and dealing with your emotions more positively. This is what I mean by taking intention into action.

For many, the idea of why men should practice mindfulness is difficult to grasp. After all, in today’s fast-paced world, there’s often a lot going on. So what is a man supposed to do if he wants to take some time for himself? Is it even possible to “take a break” when everything around you constantly demands your attention?

That’s where mindfulness comes in. I will explain why men should practice mindful living, and then I’ll show you how you can start today.

For most men, myself included, the idea of taking time out for yourself can be challenging. We are constantly striving to be successful. We are always trying to better ourselves to accomplish more and become a better version of ourselves. It’s no wonder that so many men have difficulty taking time out for themselves.

The first step towards taking time out for yourself is simply to accept that you should take some time out for yourself. You need to give yourself permission to do this. This is not selfishness; it’s self-care, self-preservation. You see, if you don’t take some time out for yourself, you won’t be able to continue with your quest to become a better and more authentic you. In short, you’ll burn out. 

So, the first step to taking time out for yourself (which for many of us can be the hardest) is to admit that you should take some time out for yourself. The second step is to develop the discipline to take some time out for yourself. And the third step is to make sure that when you are taking time out for yourself, it is genuinely time out for yourself and not time wasted. Value that time as much as you do time spent toward work or your hobbies.

Setting your own priorities and being mindful of the importance of prioritizing yourself can help you find time for self-care. You should always make sure that there are no obligations on anyone else’s schedule. 

We are so busy that we can often forget about ourselves and the importance of balance. It is essential to take care of oneself to stay healthy. It is also crucial to spend time with others you love, like your family or coworkers. You need a balance between doing things for yourself and helping others.

The best way to get self-care time is by scheduling time for it. If you want to make sure that you can have self-care time, you should schedule it in your calendar. You can write it down as an appointment in your calendar, or you can also set reminders on your phone. It’s essential to have some time set aside for yourself, and you should try to do it as soon as possible.

It’s also essential to have a designated space where you can retreat from the demands of others. Whether it’s a room, a corner of the living room, or the bathroom, make sure that it is a place that is quiet, comfortable, and free of distractions. Having a consistent, dedicated place can help you become more mindful.

We all have things that are important to us. These might be family, friends, work, fitness, hobbies, etc. The most important things are the ones that are dearest to our hearts. We must give them our undivided attention. If we don’t, we will be distracted by other less important things. We need to focus on what is essential and ignore everything else.

This will make us more productive and help us achieve our goals. We cannot focus if we are stressed out. This is like trying to drive a car while you are worried about where you will sleep that night. You will be constantly distracted. Focusing on what’s essential will bring peace of mind and allow you to be more productive. It will also improve your relationships with others because you will be present and not stressed out.

You should always set aside time to focus on what’s important to you. This doesn’t mean you have to work out or go to the movies alone. Maybe you can meet someone for dinner and a movie date. This way, you can enjoy each other’s company and still focus on what’s important to you. Set aside 30-minutes to an hour every day to focus on what’s important to you. Make this a ritual. This will help you stay sane and in control.

Just take some time out for yourself and do the best you can. If you follow this advice, you will find that you have more energy and are more productive. It will make a big difference in your life, as it has in mine.

How Mindfulness Can Help with Business and Personal Success

I believe mindfulness is the most helpful tool in my arsenal of weapons for success.

It’s the most important thing I do every day.

Mindfulness is not magic, and it won’t solve all your problems. But if you want to know how to live a better and more fulfilling life, mindfulness is the best place to start. You can’t really stop and appreciate anything with your mind racing a mile a minute. Mindfulness helps you slow down enough so you can actually experience the moment. And experience has always been what we’re after. It doesn’t matter how successful or fulfilled you are when you die- it matters how successful or fulfilled you were when you lived. Mindfulness gives us back that control over the lives we often feel have been taken away by other people or circumstances beyond our control.

Mindfulness allows me to stay focused on my goals and values instead of getting lost in the shuffle of accomplishing trivial tasks. It helps you remember what’s important when your mind tells you that everything else is. Suppose you’re going through a tough time. In that case, mindfulness will help you get through it. Instead of letting your mind spiral out of control with all the negativity and self-defeating thoughts, you can train yourself to focus on what’s important.

When you are mindful, you are aware of what is going on inside your own head and what is happening around you. Mindful people tend to make better decisions because they are more in touch with reality and what motivates them. In addition to improving personal and business decision-making, mindfulness also enhances relationships by helping people become attuned to each other’s feelings and needs. And finally, research suggests that practicing mindfulness can actually increase your health and longevity.

And guess what? Mindfulness is a learnable skill that anyone can practice every day for free! It doesn’t require any special equipment or an expert to teach you.

I have been practicing mindfulness for years now, and it has been the most critical tool in improving my life.

Man meditating, why men should practice mindfulness
Photo by Monstera from Pexels

How to Begin Practicing Mindfulness

The first step to begin practicing mindfulness is to decide to do it. It’s that simple. Like anything else in life, if you don’t make the conscious decision to change your behavior, nothing will change.

The next step is to find a method that works for you. There are many ways to get started with mindfulness, and everyone is different. You might want to try an app or listen to a guided meditation.

No matter what you choose, make sure it’s something you’re going to be able to stick with. Try something different if you find yourself struggling or feeling like it’s not working.

Mindfulness is something that you can start at any time. It is just a matter of finding the time or making sure that you consciously incorporate it into your daily routine. 

You have to remember you are walking around with many thoughts swirling around in your head at any given moment. You can feel as if you are unfocused, in a fog, overwhelmed. Your mind never has a chance to rest genuinely. 

Mindfulness can help declutter and clear your mind, calm your brain, and settle you down.

Have you ever picked up a snow globe and shook the snow until the entire globe becomes so filled that you can barely see the object inside? That is what is going on inside your mind.  

Once you start practicing mindfulness, it will be as if the snow has settled at the bottom of the globe, and you can think and see more clearly.  

To get you started practicing mindfulness, completely use these simple exercises to get a jumpstart and overall feel for what mindfulness is and how it can help you:

  • Choose something to focus your attention on 
  • How will you focus: using your visual, auditory, or tactile senses 
  • Focus “on purpose.”  
  • How are you going to stay focused on the present moment?  
  • How does it feel not to be “judgmental?”  
  • Write what your definition of mindfulness means to you

Let’s break each of these down to discuss the technique for each step.

Choose something to focus your attention on.

By focusing your attention, you choose a goal you wish to achieve by using mindfulness. Are you taking a walk? Are you focusing on each step you take? Are you a runner? Are you listening to each breath you take? In doing tasks such as these, you focus your attention on that task alone. Your mind will wander. That’s normal and expected. Don’t wander with it. Instead, return your attention to the object of focus over and over.

How will you focus: using your visual, auditory, or tactile senses?

You can use mindfulness in all areas of your life and surroundings. We pass up so many beautiful moments by listening to all the noise inside our heads and not fully appreciating the beauty of any given moment. Before you start, decide what your intention is. Use your eyes to observe the color of the sky, water, buildings, etc. Notice everything about the sky, the clouds, etc. Listen intently to trains in the distance or jets overhead. Are they carrying passengers to a far-off destination with family and friends? What do those sounds mean to you? Are you making something with your hands? Are you feeling every brushstroke, every knit stitch, etc.? What do you hope to accomplish?

Focus “On Purpose.” 

By focusing intently, you make sure that you don’t let your mind wander. That is why it is essential to identify your intent before you begin. Notice what is happening at the moment, acknowledging and letting go, any distractions. Try to remain aware without changing anything. Observe and take in all observations. When you become aware, you can eventually change unwanted patterns.

How are you going to stay focused in the present moment? 

The world we live in is filled with distractions. We have computers, tablets, iPads, and cell phones, all meant to create and fill our lives with noise. We are so distracted these days that we aren’t even aware of how much the “noise” has taken over our lives. When you practice mindfulness, you are getting rid of the noise. You pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, physical body sensations, and surroundings. It will be hard for some people to let go of these distractions, but you will wonder why you didn’t set these items aside for more extended periods once you do.  

How does it feel not to be judgmental? 

Without distractions, we can allow ourselves to set our intention and to pay attention to it. When you allow yourself to focus on one thing, you notice everything about the moment and the object of your intention. You will be in a state where you become non-judgmental. Your mind is not cluttered, and you are open to feeling sensations that you might not have felt in a while. You are not distracted by other thoughts, feelings, or physical limitations.  

Write what your definition of mindfulness means to you. 

After you practice mindfulness, write down what happened. What does it mean to you? What did you notice? You don’t have to start practicing mindfulness for an hour a day. Start slow. Gradually build up your mindfulness practice a little at a time. Write down your observations each time to look back and reflect on where you began and where you are now.

Get the free guide Quiet Confidence: A Men’s Guide to Living a Free, Authentic, Joyful, Centered, & Purposeful Life”


This workbook will provide you with an introduction to mindfulness as a foundation for living a more deliberate, authentic, purposeful life of peace, freedom, health, and fulfillment.

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Practicing At Home

Choosing how and when you will practice mindfulness is just as important as the actual session itself. Many people prefer to do this at home because they can carve out a little corner in their house, specifically for practicing mindfulness.

Again, you can practice mindfulness at any time or any place. Choosing your specific location is entirely up to you—wherever you are most likely to feel the least distracted.  

When you practice, you might want to use the same position all the time to allow for continuity. There are several you can choose from so let’s cover a few here:

During Activities: Even though you are busy during the day (be it at home or work), stop, breathe and notice your surroundings. You can be doing anything as long as you take the time to stop and become mindful genuinely.

Walking: If you are on a walk, notice everything around you. Notice the birds, the clouds, the trees, the children playing in the park, the colors of buildings or houses, animals. Walk so that your arms are swaying back and forth freely (front to back). You are walking tall, eyes looking all around, and your body is relaxed.

Sitting: Sit in a chair with your back straight (if you are able); keep your hands sitting on your legs with your palms up and your feet flat on the floor.  

Lying down: Lay flat on the floor and don’t cross your legs or arms. Allow your hands to fall beside you, again, with your palms up. For comfort, you can put a pillow under your head or knees.

Yoga Position: Sit with your legs crossed and your hands resting gently on your knees. This is similar to the pose used in yoga and other forms of meditation.

Finding time to practice mindfulness is probably something you think you don’t have time for in your busy, hectic day. It only takes 10-15 minutes at the same time every day. Try to do it first thing in the morning, mid-day, or before you go to bed. And, don’t forget to journal about your entire mindfulness session to keep track of your thoughts, feelings, and actions during your session.

The next step after meditating every day is to start practicing mindfulness in your everyday life. The best thing to do is set aside some time each day, but it’s also essential to focus on being mindful during the rest of your waking hours. For example, you could start eating dinner with your family without watching television or using your phone. You might want to go for a walk or take a hot bath. Anything that helps you to reduce your stress and relax is fair game.

The more you practice mindfulness, the better and more natural it will feel! And practicing mindfulness every day has plenty of benefits:

  • You’ll be focused and attentive in meetings or conversations.
  • You’ll sleep better at night.
  • You’ll be much less likely to react to minor stressors that send you into a tailspin.

Meditation and mindfulness aren’t just meant for Buddhists; the benefits of this practice are available to everyone!

Key Takeaway

If you want to become a better man, take some time out of your day and be mindful. You’ll notice that when you stop and appreciate the little things in life, there will be no shortage of gratitude for what you have. To live an even more fulfilled life, make mindfulness a daily habit – it can help men grow from strength to strength in all areas of their lives!

Want more? Get the free guide Quiet Confidence: A Men’s Guide to Living a Free, Authentic, Joyful, Centered, & Purposeful Life

This workbook will introduce mindfulness as a foundation for living a more deliberate, authentic, purposeful life of peace, freedom, health, and fulfillment.

About Me


I’m Bryan Benardino, a transformative coach specializing in empowering high-achieving professionals in midlife transitions and are unsatisfied with their relationships.

I help men break free from emotional barriers, cultivate authentic expression, and create fulfilling relationships.

Together, we’ll unleash your true masculine purpose, power, and passion, guiding you from a state of “Stuck, Struggling Mid-Life Mediocrity” to becoming a “Quietly Confident Embodied Masculine Man.”

Experience a deliberate, authentic, purposeful life filled with peace, freedom, ease, and fulfillment.

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