What is my passion in life? Is it what I love, what I enjoy, what drives me, what makes me lose track of time?
It’s hard to identify what we’re passionate about.
In what seems to be a world of uncertainty, the one thing we can all count on is what drives us. We all have something in life that makes it worth living and getting up to deal with whatever comes our way in the morning. In this article, I’ll show you how to identify what makes your days great even when everything else is going wrong.
I want to teach you to find what lights you up inside what makes you lose track of time. So that when the inevitable hard times come, there will at least be something worth fighting for.

- There are a few key steps that you can take to help identify your passion in life.
- Learning what your passion is and what makes up who you are isn’t what society thinks defines a person.
What is passion, and why do we need it in our lives?
Passion is what drives you to do what you do. It’s what causes you to get up in the morning and look forward to stepping out into the world. We can’t live without what fuels us; it gives us an ultimate goal or purpose. Passions are what drive our lives. They’re what makes life worth living.
Without passion, our lives would be empty and hollow. There wouldn’t be anything pushing us forward towards what we want to achieve.
But here comes the tricky part: this might not apply to everyone. Passion doesn’t always come easy for some people. What society thinks makes up a person doesn’t have to be for everyone. Nor should it.
Where our passion lies within us
This doesn’t mean that what we are passionate about comes out of nowhere. Passion is what makes up who you are as a person. It’s what drives your everyday actions and decisions. Passion is what gets you through the hard times and what gives you something worth fighting for.
It might take some time to figure out what parts of your personality make up your passion. But once you’ve discovered it, it will never leave. Because now that’s who you are.
Passion can also come from mindfulness. This means being aware of every little thing that you do, what you say, and the results of what you do. But it’s not about making a conscious effort to change your behavior; what we’re after here is what makes us tick.
Mindfulness helps because when we understand ourselves better. We begin to learn what we like and don’t like instead of following others or doing what others want us to do. The things that drive us will be more apparent if we know ourselves inside out.
Why Is It Difficult for Men To Discover Their Passion?
Many men become confused when trying to discover their passions in life. Often we find what is driving us is actually what others want us to be doing. We end up giving into whatever pressures society throws at us.
So what can you do if this is you?
Well, all you need is time and the willingness to do what it takes to figure out what your passion is. You’ve got to be willing to accept what you do and what you don’t like. So if it’s not what society thinks makes up a person, you can let it go without feeling guilty about it.
It might take time for you to figure out what you’re passionate about. But once you have, there will never be a day when you regret what you do. And what better way to apply mindfulness into your life than what you’re passionate about. Remember that it’s not what society thinks makes up a person – what matters is what makes you happy.

How to identify your passions
We all know that identifying our passion is essential, but it can be tough to figure out what that is.
There are a few key steps that you can take to help identify your passion in life. But first, you need a bit of a push in the right direction. First off, take what society thinks makes up what a person is or his passions, then throw it out the window. It’s what interests you that counts, not what society or anyone else thinks.
Now, think about what you love or bring satisfaction into your life. It could be anything – food, family, friends, work, sports – anything at all. Once you’ve narrowed it down, focus on what makes you lose track of time or what drives you. If you can find something that combines both of those things, then you’ve found your passion.
You need to get in touch with who you are at the core level because only then will your passions come out to play. When you know yourself, all aspects of yourself – habits, flaws, insecurities – passion will come. What we gravitate towards is what makes us unique.
Here are some detailed steps you can take to identify your passions:
1. Be present
The best way to be in touch with what we love is by being present and mindful of what we do. Every time you find yourself doing something, pause for a moment and think: “Why am I doing this?” or “Did I enjoy what I’m doing right now?” This will help us connect with what we love and don’t like. And it allows us to see what things matter to us. Nothing is more satisfying than knowing what makes you tick.
2. Know what you don’t like as well as what you do
Whenever we find ourselves doing something that we enjoy, it’s more likely that we do what we don’t want less. The more aware we are of what we don’t like, the better we can understand what is important to us.
3. Do what makes your heart skip a beat
These are the things that make you lose track of time. Those things make your blood pump a little bit harder. This is what you should do with your life. Sometimes what we love to do may not make any money or what others think is practical. Don’t let that stop you if what you’re doing matters to who you are as an individual.
4. Meditation
Meditation is a crucial thing that helped me figure out what I love. And still does. It gives you time to be alone with your thoughts and think about what stirs your soul. Once you know what that one thing is, you can start following it with a passion. Put your intentions into action by taking action towards what matters to you. Pus aside any fear of what others might think.
5. Get in touch with your WHY!
Take a step back and think. What’s the one reason you do what you do or what made you end up liking what you like? I remember when I wanted to get into coaching and writing. What drove me was that it allowed me to help people who struggle with similar things as I did. All I wanted was what made me happy and what mattered to me. I liked that fulfillment. That is my WHY. Find yours.
10 more questions you can ask yourself to help identify your passion:
1. What makes you lose track of what time it is?
2. What are the moments in your life when you feel fulfilled?
3. Does what you do have any direct or indirect negative consequences or impact anyone else?
4. How can what you do bring joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction into other people’s lives?
5. Does what you do allow you to be the best version of yourself?
6. What’s the one thing in your life that makes your heart skip a beat, and what made it affect you like that?
7. Would what you do matter the same way if we all lived in a world void of money? If people didn’t value what had monetary value?
8. If you weren’t afraid, what’s one essential thing you would do daily that would make up a central theme in your life?
9. What makes what you do impossible to resist doing?
10. Does what you do help you grow as an individual?
It might be hard to figure out what makes you tick. What society thinks makes up a person doesn’t apply to everyone. It doesn’t have to apply to you. You can follow what you like and what brings satisfaction into your life. Even if it’s what society calls the wrong path to take.
All you have to do is be aware of what you love and what brings satisfaction into your life as a first step. You also need the willingness to let go of what you don’t like. And without feeling guilty about it. We’re all unique and need to live like that.
Get the free guide Quiet Confidence: A Men’s Guide to Living a Free, Authentic, Joyful, Centered, & Purposeful Life”
This workbook will provide you with an introduction to mindfulness as a foundation for living a more deliberate, authentic, purposeful life of peace, freedom, health, and fulfillment.
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Mindfulness and Self-Reflection
How does mindfulness play a role in this process? When we’re aware of what we do, what we say, and the results of what we do, then it becomes easier to figure out what drives us. It’s not about changing our behavior but understanding what makes us tick.
It might take some time for all this to come into place. Keep at it and trust that all the answers you need are inside you. You only need to let them come to the surface. And what better way to apply mindfulness into your life than what you’re passionate about?
Another critical element in learning to identify your passion in life is staying in the moment. You might find yourself asking what’s my passion if I’m not thinking about what’s best for me right now?
But here’s the thing, what’s best for you isn’t defined by what anyone else thinks it should be. It’s going to come from within. More specifically, it’ll come from living more present. If you focus on being mindful, staying present, and observing your thoughts. Then more of those thoughts will likely turn into answers about your passion.
The truth is that most people never even take the time to focus on their passions. They’re too busy living in the future – what will be, what could be.
You might find yourself wondering what the point of all this is? Well, it’s simple. Living in the present is what brings you more fulfillment than anything else. If you were to act on your passion right now, what would that look like? What would you do? And if you did, what would happen next? Those are good questions to ask yourself when figuring out what makes up your passion.
Live in the present and focus on what matters most until it becomes who you are. Keep asking those two questions over and over again until something clicks. Then follow that passion until it becomes a part of who you are.
Do this for yourself. Follow what you love with a mindfulness mindset. Do what comes naturally to you, not what society thinks you should be doing at this age. What matters most is what makes you happy. So it’s not what others think makes up a person or what society wants from us, do what you want and what makes you happy.
When we do what makes us happy, what we’re passionate about, it comes naturally. That’s when we achieve life balance. What we’re passionate about is what drives who we are. You can apply your passion through mindfulness in your everyday life. There will never be a day when you regret what you do when you do. What drives us is what makes up who we are.
What Is My Passion? Key Takeaways
Learning what your passion is and what makes up who you are isn’t what society thinks defines a person. It’s following what comes naturally to you. Doing what drives you and what you love doing most in the world. That thing that makes your heart beat faster with excitement – not fear.
What does it mean to follow your passion? It means following what’s best for you, what comes naturally to you. You can’t force passion into your life. It’ll come as long as you continue living in the present moment. This is what brings more fulfillment than anything else – what makes up who you are. In the end, what matters most isn’t what anyone but yourself thinks defines a person. It’s what makes your heart beat faster with excitement – what you are passionate about.
“Good questions outrank easy answers.” – Paul A. Samuelson (American economist)
- Why do we spend our lives chasing and retreating from ambition and the thing we crave the most?
- When is it better to follow your passion and forego stability, or go with what’s safe for the time being but come that much closer to death?
- What advice would you give to anyone struggling with following their dreams because they feel like they’re putting themselves at risk?
Want more? Get the free guide “Quiet Confidence: A Men’s Guide to Living a Free, Authentic, Joyful, Centered, & Purposeful Life“
This workbook will introduce mindfulness as a foundation for living a more deliberate, authentic, purposeful life of peace, freedom, health, and fulfillment.