Identifying our life’s purpose might be one of the most challenging questions to answer. This article will guide you through a step-by-step approach to exploring your emotions and possibilities in order to uncover the purpose of your life. By the end, you should have a dependable tool that you can immediately use to assist give your life a meaningful direction.
Keep in mind that this is a process. We’re not going to try to come up with a comprehensive solution in one night, or even in a couple of months. This will require some time and contemplation on your part. It’s natural to feel as though you’re stumbling through life at times. Believe me when I tell that everyone on the planet goes through something similar at some point in their lives. Even if it seems that you are making no progress or that you are going in circles, you will eventually arrive at your destination.

Key Points
- There are three steps to the process of discovering the purpose of your life:
- Understanding the principle of choice
- Creating your “underlying principle”
- Aligning your life with this underlying principle
- Once you’ve figured out what kind of life you want to live, then you can sit down and figure out how to make it happen.
- By following along with these steps, you will be on your way to finding and living out your purpose.
The Implications of Choosing a Path
Take stock of your life right now and ask yourself, “What am I most concerned about right now?” Depending on the conditions, it may not need much consideration. As an example, suppose you just lost a loved one. In that case, it should be self-evident what your current priority is.
On the other hand, it may need a little more contemplation. You’re listing things that are important to you in order to obtain an answer that isn’t so obvious. If you’re having trouble getting started with this process, I’d advise you to stop right now and write a list of everything you care about most in the world. Even if no one will ever read this list, write it all down.
When you’re through with that, put the list aside for at least one night before continuing to read. Take your time and return to this article once you’ve given it some consideration. And when you’re certain that the list accurately reflects your current priorities.
When you look at your list, you’ll start to see a common thread running across all of the things you value the most. When you discover that point of commonality, you have discovered your mission.

Commonality Possiblities
Let’s explore three different possibilities to consider:
The first possibility is that our commonality is passion. What do you love doing? What do you spend most of your time doing? Our passions drive us and help us feel fulfilled in life. What we spend the most time on is generally where our passion lies.
For instance, I like writing, reading, and learning new things. My enthusiasm for these three things seems to motivate me more than anything else. Even when life becomes tough or it seems that it is not worth living at times. When I feel stuck, I remember how much I like writing, which helps me get back on track.
The second possibility is that our commonality is ambition or achievement. We all want to be somebody important. Whether it’s in the eyes of society or in our own personal visions, it doesn’t matter. As long as we derive satisfaction from it. At the root of all significant achievements is ambition. This is another tool you can use to discover your purpose in life.
For instance, I want to be someone who makes a positive impact in the world by assisting others. I’ve always wanted to accomplish something that would really satisfy me. After everything is said and done, I want to be able to look back and know that I accomplished something worthwhile with my life.
The third possibility is that our commonality has nothing to do with passion or ambition. Instead, it revolves around helping other people in some way. Sometimes we see a problem, and we know from the start that this needs to change because nobody else will step up.
For instance, I am concerned about the environment and want to ensure that future generations have a habitable earth to call home. If no one else cared enough to mend what we’d ruined, it would be up to me to stand up and make a difference in the world.
I spent time going over these three possibilities because they are all critical. We all have a unique set of talents and abilities that manifest differently depending on the path we take. It’s up to you to decide which of these three possibilities speaks to you. You can expect each of them to have some serious implications on your life as time goes on.
At this point, I would recommend revisiting your prior list. Check to see if any of these three ideas pique your interest. Whether you’re unclear, consider which things on that list are most important to you, or if they all have equal weight. Consider the things that matter to you the most. See if you can identify something in common with all of them. If nothing stands out, consider asking yourself the following question:
“If I could only do X or Y for the rest of my life, then which would I choose?”
This is another way to help pinpoint your purpose in life. It forces us to think about some of the less obvious possibilities. If our purpose is to succeed in life, some people might choose to work hard at their career path. Some may also choose to have a family and experience the joys of fatherhood. These are both valid options, so it would depend on what you value more at this particular moment in your life.
Once you’ve figured out what kind of life you want to live, then you can sit down and figure out how to make it happen. Once again, this depends on your purpose. If it’s money that you’re after, then there are many paths you could take to achieve financial security. The same goes for anything else. Whether it has something to do with your career or a personal problem you’re looking to solve. Figuring out what path you want to take is the hardest part. Everything else should fall into place once you have that sorted out.
Depending on where you are in your life right now, it may not be obvious what your purpose will be. It’s still there regardless of what it is. We all have a purpose, whether we’re aware of it or not. Once you figure out what yours is, you can take the first step towards making it happen.
Three steps to uncover the purpose of your life
- Understanding the principle of choice
- Creating your “underlying principle”
- Aligning your life with this underlying principle
Understanding The Principle of Choice
This is what Norman Vincent Peale has to say about the power of choice.
“The greatest power we have is the power of choice. It is an actual fact, that if you have been groping under unhappiness, you can choose to be joyous, instead. And, by effort, lift yourself into joy. If you tend to be fearful, you can overcome that misery by choosing to have courage. The whole trend and the quality of anyone’s life is determined by the choices that are made”.
“Choosing” is the most important mental process. By making a decision, you are announcing your wishes to your subconscious mind. When your subconscious mind learns about your desires, it will go to any length to make them a reality in your life. The decisions you make in life become your aim. And there is no reason why you should not attain goals if you are honest in your pursuit.
Indecision, on the other hand, causes more than just annoyance and worry. However, it may also mislead your subconscious mind about what you desire. The decisions you make must be in line with your genuine interests, goals, and abilities. Many of us let others make decisions for us. Or we make decisions based on what we believe to be ‘right,’ even if it means going against our preferences. What is appropriate for someone else may not be appropriate for you, and the only way to know this is to listen to what your heart says.
To begin, develop a list of items that interest you. Things you’ve always been interested in. Things that make you feel better and motivate you to keep going no matter what hurdles you encounter. Do you like doing anything creative or artistic? Do you love being outside? Do you like going to the beach? Do you like assisting others? Do you like making a difference in other people’s lives?
Whatever it is that interests you, write it down and answer these questions:
- What thing do you love to do?
- What is it that you love in this thing and why?
- How could you do this for money and make a living out of it?
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Creating Your Underlying Principle
The next step is to go through your list and look for any repeating themes. Perhaps it’s the act of contributing that keeps popping up. This is going to be your ‘Mission Statement.’
It may even be a quote by a famous person or a philosophy that has influenced you. Of course, as you grow, this statement could evolve, but its soul will remain the same. Now, write down your Mission Statement.
The next stage is to use your Mission Statement as a guiding force in your life. You could make it a part of your schedule and spend some time each day reading from it. This will help you recall what motivates you to do what you do. And, if you can stay connected to it at all times, your life will transform into a great voyage of self-discovery and accomplishment.
Aligning Your Life With Your Underlying Principle
The last phase in this journey is to chart your course to your ultimate goal. This can help you begin implementing changes to align your daily life with your underlying purpose. By making these minor changes, you will start to begin living this principle out each day. It might take some time. Make this fundamental concept of your life conscious and purposeful. You will then notice a change in your overall passion for life.
If you discover that you enjoy being in nature, plan an outdoor vacation. Perhaps a trip with your children would be enough to replenish your energy. If you realize that you appreciate assisting others in need, begin looking for volunteer opportunities in your town. You may even decide to shift jobs or launch a new company that is more in line with your goal.
The key is to stay positive be thankful for the things you have. Most importantly, work towards your dreams every day.
By following these simple steps, you’ll soon begin feeling more enthusiastic about life as a whole. Your mission may very well become your greatest asset in helping to overcome self-doubt or lack of confidence. It can act as an inspiration to do more work on yourself. It is essential to realize that you are here for a reason. And your life is going to be a fantastic journey of self-discovery if you choose it to be.
So there you have it! By following along with the steps outlined above, you will be on your way to finding and living out your purpose. And, as you go through this process, remember,
“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.” – Steve Maraboli.
“Good questions outrank easy answers.” – Paul A. Samuelson (American economist)
- Are you happy with what you’re doing with your life?
- Do you feel like you’re where you’re supposed to be?
- Or are you feeling lost and uncertain of your purpose?
- If you could do anything, what would it be?
- Why haven’t you done it yet?
Want more? Get the free guide “Quiet Confidence: A Men’s Guide to Living a Free, Authentic, Joyful, Centered, & Purposeful Life“
This workbook will introduce mindfulness as a foundation for living a more deliberate, authentic, purposeful life of peace, freedom, health, and fulfillment.